
French Treehouse Envy

March 18, 2011

design mom french tree house garden

Envy is almost getting the best of me.  One of my favorite regular bloggers has recently gone on an adventure that I long to embark upon (again) myself.  In February, Gabrielle Blair of Design Mom moved her family to France for a year.  In addition to her regular posts, she is also now sharing the adventure.  The whole story sparks my ingrained wanderlust and makes me long to do the same.  It’s almost too much.  And then I saw this.

tree house window covers

This tree-house is an ‘unexpected discovery’ that until they arrived at their new house in France, they didn’t know existed.  Talk about a perk on top of pretty present. I just don’t think I can take it!!

cressonnier treehouse france scallopped trim

The owners of the house (the Blairs are renting) built the little house without buying anything.  Everything was found on-site, scavenger for or picked from nearby woods.  I love that it came with a key collection and a tea set already in side.  And a ‘frame’ for the view.
frame hanging near the treehouse to frame the view

If these images aren’t enough make you envious too, Gabrielle has even more treehouse images over on Design Mom.  And if you long for this sort of thing too, you can make yourself sick with envy as well by reading about the whole France adventure.

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