
Kate Frey’s Diriyah Permaculture Organic Farm

March 25, 2011

the kingdom of saudi arabia kate frey garden

I have been a fan of Kate Frey for years.  My interest and admiration stemmed from the first time I saw (because I really can’t say ‘met’ — there were too many other people all saying hi as I) her was when she was manning her Chelsea Flower show entry, the Organic Winery Garden, back in 2003.  I have a not so secret desire to someday design a gold medal Chelsea Garden (a feat not often achieved by Americans).  Kate’s done it and I have a whole heap of respect for that.

saudi arabian organic garden

According to Kates Blog, she’s currently working Saudi Arabia (I hope I have half her moxy!) on an organic farm.  As we here in New England begin the process of readying our vegetable patches for spring planting, I thought this was an inspiring series of images.  Kate has transformed what was once a quarry for the building of Old Diriyah in to the Diriyah Organic Farm.

diriyah organic farm

There are so many things I love about this garden, but here is the thing I like most.  The garden is for the Prince (dont’ ask me what prince, I have no idea, some Saudi Prince — I think there are lots of them).  The prince, of course, knows lots of ambassadors.  The Prince regularly shares his garden loot with the foreign diplomats that he interfaces with, and he even recently asked them to give him seeds for vegetables that they would have in their own home countries.  He is growing international vegetable varieties, to strengthen diplomatic ties, I wonder if our state department has ever considered this tactic?

Make to sure to click over to kate’s website to see even more pictures of this amazing place.

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