
Clever Idea: Wedding Registry for a Garden Makeover

May 18, 2011

Wedding registry for garden makeover trend via

I have heard of many interesting and off beat ideas for gift giving to newly-wed couples, but a garden makeover has not, until now, been one of them.  A company called Bottom Drawer in the UK has evolved a scheme by which couples can work through them and a local team of landscape professionals to figure out a garden plan and then break it out into gift-able gift registry pieces.

So, Aunt Rose can give you a bed of roses, the Mother-in law to be can make sure you eat right with a freshly planted kitchen garden, and maybe the best friend can give the privacy hedge newlyweds might desire.

image from style me pretty.

  1. erin says:

    This is such a great idea! I was just thinking about this sort of thing the other day and how perennials and trees would be the perfect give for couples who already own a home. The only issue is that so many people are still apartment dwellers at that point of their life, but I think a housewarming tree would be so cool!

  2. Sarah Christenson says:

    Lovely idea

  3. p bargar says:

    Yes! Yes! grand idea!
    At our wedding a few years ago I *WISH NOW* I had thought of plants and at least a list..

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