
Garden Gallery: A Southern Garden Poolhouse

July 6, 2011

A souther garden pool house

This pool house could make me actually want a pool.  I am lusting over the refined details and the simultaneous simplicity.  The structure was created by the architectural firm Henry Sprott Long and Associates and the interiors where done by Phoebe Howard.

When I see lovely projects like this featured in magazines, it always makes me wonder — who did the garden?  Was the designer not listed because their wasn’t one? Did the interior designer or architect do the garden design?  Because if they did, I would sure like to know that these people also have that talent.  Or was it just that for some reason, mentioning the garden designer is just simply (too often) forgotten?

images from Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles and  found via A life’s Design (where you can see more fantastic photos of the interior).

  1. Susan says:

    The pool house is both beautiful and charming…love it! Yes, and who did the garden?

  2. Dear Polia says:

    I agree! They need to credit all the trades involved. Beautiful project!

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