
Glamping Inspiration from 11 of our Greatest National Parks (+ 1 National Monument)

July 24, 2011

I am feeling quite accomplished, it is only four days since I have returned home, and the luggage is back in the attic (laundry still awaits) the garden is about half reclaimed from the weeds, mowed and the mid summer resurrection process has begun, and I have organized my pictures.  As I got them all together yesterday, I realized that there were some pretty inspiring shots for all kinds — glamping, construction, natural beauty, desert style, wildflowers, and even a little garden design.   I picked some of my favorites for you…..enjoy. (make sure you click through to the gallery because each image has a description to tell you more about it)

Beautiful Cordwood and Recycled Bottle Bottle Construction of the Peace of Art Cafe in Del Norte, CO.

Cliff Palace built by the Ancient Anasazi at Mesa Verde National Park.

Here was our route —

Day 1 – Denver (actually Castle Rock)  – Great Sand Dunes N.P. – Mesa Verde  N.P. (fourth of July in Mancos. CO)

Day 2 – Mesa Verde

Day 3 Mesa Verde – Four Corners, Canyon de Chelly National Park, Hubble Trading Post National Monument,  Holbrook, AZ.

Day 4 Holbrook, AZ – Petrified Forest, Flagstaff, AZ,  Grand Canyon.

Day 5 – Grand Canyon N.P.

Day 6- Grand Canyon

Day 7 – Grand Canyon, Vermillion Cliffs, Glen Canyon Dam, Kanab UT (Hollywood for Westerns), Zion N.P.

Watchtower at Desert View Grand Canyon. An inspiring beauty of a building on the cliffs edge. Mary elizabeth Jane Colter was the architect (someone I now must learn more about)

Day 8 – Zion N.P. – Bryce Canyon N.P.

Day 9 – Zion N.P.

Day 10- Zion N.P. – Capital Reef National Park – Arches National Park (Moab, UT)

Day 11 – Arches N.P.  and Canyonlands N.P.

Day 12 – Arches N.P. – Taylor Canyon (Near Crested Butte, CO)

Day 13 Taylor Canyon

Day 14 – Taylor Canyon – Castle Rock, CO (via tow truck)

If you are headed out to any of these places — drop a note — I feel like I am now a minor expert and may be able to make some recommendations or pass along some been there advice.

Do you have any summer adventures planned?  What will be inspiring you this summer holiday season.

  1. louise says:

    Sounds like a wonderful trip!
    check this camping style blog article

    Summers Best!

  2. Erin says:

    I took a similar trip last year. My friend Edie and I drove from Vancouver Island to Kanab UT to volunteer at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. It was amazing. An added benefit was how much I loved Kanab and the surrounding parks. We plan to go back next year.

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