
Leaf Magazine: My New Project

August 5, 2011

I am so excited to come clean and tell you what I have been working on for the last couple months.   As I have been winding down my design practice, I have been winding up on creating a new magazine with Susan Cohan (principal of Susan Cohan Gardens, and creator of Miss Rumphius’ Rules)  and Lynn Felici-Gallant (former editor of Coastal Home Magazine and owner of Indigo Gardens).

It’s called Leaf and I would like to invite you all to check us out over on facebook (we launched our fan page this morning) as well as subscribe (for free!!!) over on our subscription webpage.

leaf magazine wordmark

Over the next couple months, I will keep you up to date on our progress (there is so much to do before we launch later this fall!!!) and feel free to inquire, make suggestions, or just root us on through what promises to be many long nights and hours of hard work.

We have so many ideas and excitement for this project and we intend to blow the socks off the design world but I am curious, what you would love to see in a design magazine that covers design and inspiration for everything beyond the back door?

  1. Jenn says:

    How exciting! I’m signed up!

  2. erin says:

    Oh my gosh!!!!!! And I thought you’d just been busy with summer garden stuff. Ha! This is so awesome, congratulations! I’m excited (for you AND to see what this is all about).

    As far as topics that I’d like to see, I’m a sucker for under $100 projects and I really like garden tours and hearing their story behind them. I always smile when I read things like “my husband and I have been collecting hostas for 20 years.” To me, that’s really cool.

  3. Tina says:

    Many congratulations! I can’t wait for the first issue!

  4. rosekraft says:

    The early years of “Garden Design” magazine were awesome – I think I even saved the issues.
    Superb photography, quality paper, unusual subject matter, even quotations about gardening along the bottom and sides of pages.

    • rochelle says:

      I agree– early garden design was great…then is really sucked for a while….but I think lately it is moving int he right direction again, don’t you think?

  5. rochelle says:

    My partners and I are all bringing such great ideas to the table, but I have to admit my vision is that it will have all the greatness of a publication like Domino — but will be about and for gardens and landscapes.

  6. The photography will have to be outstanding. Don’t forget to include images of well designed flower beds. Good luck with this new venture.

  7. Rochelle, this is fabulous. I’ll post about it on my blog. I’ve liked the ezine on FB and entered for a subscription. I think this will be accepted big time. Congratulations to all of you!!

    • rochelle says:

      Thanks Marsha!! We really appreciate it! If you want, take the leaf wordmark to use, by all means, save it off and go. I can also send you the little badge (animated .gif) that we have over on the right.

  8. louise says:

    Good news! Ive always described your blog as the best garden mag around the web- will be interested to see how this collaboration develops! Did you see the article in he times recently on e-zines? I would suggest to you all that there be a designer feature ‘spacemakers’ or something…and an eco-focus ( sustainable landscape design features).
    Guest submissions?
    Sign me up.
    Good luck to you three!

  9. Stephanie C. Miller says:

    I’m looking forward to it! If you ever need garden photography and are paying let me know. You can check out my work over at Photosynthesis Magazine. I had to make my mag online and free this year (instead of the printed edition) after the first year, as I had no sales team therefore I couldn’t afford to travel to get the private garden stories I wanted (with my two homeschooled children always by my side!). Will you ad swap in the beginning, or only sell advertising space? I’d be interested in ad swapping. Will you be taking before and after submissions from the public like Design Sponge does? Sounds like you have a winning combo of ladies to work with, congrats!

  10. Johanna says:

    Just found your blog, love the idea of a magazine. I like pictures pictures pictures, especially seasonal sequences that tell you how to keep a space beautiful and plantings combined in four seasons. Good luck! and congrats to the rest of us!

  11. Wendy Coolen says:

    Your site and blog are wonderful and VERY inspirational, I’m a gardener and landscape designer and love to see what is happening in other places. I work on the east coast of Canada.
    Suggestions for your new magazine are gardens, gardens and more gardens. I like the garden stuff but really want to see those gardens, especially something innovative and focusing on good design principles and PLANTS. I think that we are so busy focusing on patios and stuff, that we are forgetting the plant material. I also like to hear about the interplay between people and their gardens. How they use them and live in them, or what their expectaions are.
    Looking forward to your new magazine, I am signed up!

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