
A Test, a Thank-you & a Scavenger Hunt

October 25, 2011

I am posting this for 3 reasons….first, this is a test….I just wanted to see how Leaf magazine would look on my own site before I tell you that you too can embed Leaf into your site. Maybe you run a design business, or have a cool blog or newsletter, or for whatever reason want to share and have a little added value. Well, you can. Just like with youtube or other such sites, you can embed Leaf – go ahead share it….people will think you are so cool for doing it (I promise). (and I think think it looks pretty cool — you can pick the page you want to share and the background color!)

The second reason was that I wanted to point out this particular page….the contributors….these people are just plain awesome and I am grateful for everything they did to help make this magazine possible. If you want to know more about them you can click on their names in the magazine and clickety click, you will be on their fantastic websites. They are bunch worth knowing and I encourage you to go introduce yourselves.

And finally — we are running a little Leaf launch Giveaway Scavenger Hunt. All you have to do is find the hidden link in the magazine, click on it and then when you get to the secret page, leave a comment. It’s a Leaf-y scavenger hunt. Oh, and look on the Leaf facebook page tomorrow for a clue about where to find the secret link if you are having troubles finding it.

  1. Judy Maier says:

    awesome! love the first edition.

  2. Nancy with Life...Dzined says:

    A landscape-designer friend of mine recently sent me a link to Leaf… Susan Cohan and company did a fantastic job and embedding it into a landscape/gardening site is a wonderful idea!

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