
DānMālā Flower Mandalas

January 26, 2012

Oh Friends — this is going to be one of those heavy posting days…..where I have plans to share a thing or two with you and then something just comes and smacks me in the face…..and it must be shared immediately.  Like DanMala the flower mandalas that Kathy Klein creates.

flower mandala by Kathy klein

Kathy creates the danmalas (defined in sanskrit as dān: the giver, mālā: garland of flowers, hence, the giving of flower circles) by first centering herself in a meditative devotional space.  She gathers flowers and natural objects while her mind is kept in mantra and her creations are reflections of the nature and the beauty  that she found in her surroundings.

To me they are like the wonderful feminine form of the Andy Goldsworthy style of art created by manipulated and gathered nature.

She also had a great poem on her site that I just love (and had to share) –

My mom carries an orb of light with her
wherever she goes.
She shows it to people sometimes,
and they laugh.
Sometimes it’s around her face
and her eyes glow like emeralds.
And when she is ready,
she sets it on the ground,
and flowers hover around it in perfect symmetry.

By Seffa Klein

Make sure to check out Kathy’s website where you can see a huge array of her amazing creations.

images from Trendtablet.

  1. Brenda says:

    Love the poem. My mother passed away 15 years ago but, she loved her flowers so much. Whenever I see one of her favorites starting to bud, I think of her love and caring ways.

  2. Oh! Lovely post today! Of course, since mandalas are my current creative goal these days, they are particularly meaningful to me. I love to follow your blog, and enjoy your posts on Pinterest as well. Your life, all that you accomplish, are a great inspiration. Have a great weekend!

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