
Treasures from Maison et Object January 2012

January 24, 2012

Perhaps the best trade show I have ever attended is Maison et Objet (which is currently underway in Paris).  There is just so many exciting new things to see there and I always wish I could make the trip.  So with much excitement I just read a round-up post over at Apartment Therapy by Ellie Tennent about the current show and some of her favorite picks.

bougies russes candles

Can we all nod our heads in agreement that these stack-able Matrioshka doll-like candle holders (that are perfectly misty/milky at the bottom) are just about amazing?   I’ll take 2….wait make that 10….

‘Bougies Russes’ candle holders designed by Stephan Lanez.

Rory Dobner neon art

rory dobner art

rory dobner art

I continue with my lusty search for just the right neon sign to hang near my (hopefully completed this coming season) new deck and pergola.  So now that I have found 5 of them, I am not sure which to choose…..Artist and Designer Rory Dobner created all of these and he launched this collection at the show.  My rudimentary knowledge of the neon sign market makes me not even want to ask what it will cost me to actually own one of these charmers.

images from Apartment Therapy and Rory Dobner

  1. colin says:

    Great blog, and fantastic photos…its refreshing and inspiring to see someone such as yourself doing such good work…keep it up!!

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