
Weekend Things

January 20, 2012

bug habitat

What are you doing this weekend?  I am participating in an ancient ceremony tonight….as part of another new Studio ‘g’ column.  I am excited to introduce it and the columnist who will be creating it, to you on Monday!  Until then, here are a few links…..

(image of pretty bug habitat from urban hedgerow)

  1. This is perhaps the most exciting thing I’ve seen in months. I was an art major in college and painted a lot after college, but eventually the sinking feeling that I was taking perfectly good cotton and rendering it trash by coating it with acrylic paints took its toll- I stopped painting. I did glass sculpture for a while, and tried welding and ironwork. Loved them all, but kept thinking about the energy required to heat the kilns/furnaces. More recently I’ve been working with textiles- raincoats from bubblewrap and all that, which is fun but less whimsical in production than I’d like. But here! Here is an art form that both speaks to me and ADDS to the glory of the world rather than sponging off it. I can’t wait to see where this leads me. Thanks for sharing.

  2. louise says:

    Love the link to the List blog. Check out their list on eye flirting from New Zealand 17th c.
    William Safire’s Fumblerules of Grammar.
    So great!!
    ; )

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