
Food Rules Video

February 29, 2012

I have been on this learning course for some time now — it is one that I suspect many of you are on as well (or if not, probably should be). It has to do with knowing about our food sources, how they effect my health and that of my family and the environment. Having a science background generally seems to make me a sceptic of everything, until it can be proven – in scientific way. I love to listen and learn from people but unless I can get what I call the fact-proof, I tend to take it all with a grain of salt. Inputs change me slowly rather than in an all of the sudden jump on the bandwagon sort of way. So, I feel like this journey of knowing takes time (perhaps more for me that for others) because I am completely resistant to going all-in on something unless I can back it up (with science and fact) to the next person.
With all of this in mind, this video caught my eye – because in all my learning, I have been led to believe so many times that organic growing methods cannot feasibly feed the planet, and that there is supposedly a general scalability problem – and I believed that and I just realized that I probably shouldn’t have accepted that as a fact. So now I am questioning (in a good way!) ….and I am off to see what I can learn to that end.

And on a side note, the creators of this video are up for an award, so if you liked it, why not give them some support? Vote for it at the film-competition.

  1. Marija Jacimovic says:

    Thanks a lot for sharing our video!

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