
Rosa Blaze Look-A-Likes?

February 7, 2012

Rosa 'Blaze'
Please excuse my absence yesterday….I was up at 4AM with my Dad going to airport and was pretty wrecked the rest of the day.  Plus I was working on a story about Roses.  Roses are not something I generally plant….but I have been trying to be more adventurous lately.   I saw so many pretty things that I have decided to go for it with a climbing red rose at the corner of my garage this year.   I think that this one (from Baileys)  is utterly gorgeous and has the ‘look’ I want, but I am wondering if any of you might make a recommendation for a climber.  Here are the guidelines:

  • Blood Red — the kind that looks killer with a black and white backdrop.  This is on the edge of allowable pinkness…more red would be better.
  • Easy – I don’t plant  roses for a reason, I’m not patient and I don’t do lots of maintenance
  • Climber – to at least 8′
  • Fragrant
  • Cuttable
  • I’m Zone 6 now — but I would feel safer if it was ok to zone 5.


image Rosa Blaze from Baileys

  1. Laurrie says:

    ‘Cascade’ rose is a beautiful red massed low-care rose that I have always wanted to plant, but haven’t yet. Deborah at Debs Garden grows it:

    It is sold as a groundcover rose, but it scrambles, so you can make it go up a structure as Deb did in her garden. It’s ok in zone 5.

    It may be smaller-flowered than you want, (it’s described as a miniature rose) but I love the massing effect and the deep red color. Not sure if it’s what you are after, but what a sweet, easy care red rose it is!

  2. jenni o says:

    The Don Juan rose is a great starter climber (and easy to find). It says zone 6, but my mother grows it in Chicago with no problem, and I grow it in Nashville with no problem. Heavenly fragrance, deep color, a bit thorny, but worth it in my opinion.

    Also, check out the Antique Rose Emporium. So far I have been very pleased with what I’ve bought, and they are very specific in when and how much a variety blooms.

  3. Margie K says:

    When you are looking, try to get a rebloomer, not just a flash in the pan.

  4. Heino Gamradt says:

    Maybe you can take Naheglut. Look here:
    It`s in german, sorry 😉

  5. Jessica says:

    Rosa rugosa ‘Michel Trudeau’ is hands down the most lovely care free rose I have ever seen. It’s double pink, with a long blooming season and excellent disease and pest resistant foliage.

  6. I like ‘James Mason’– And not just because he was SO great in Lolita and Georgy Girl. It’s a nice rose!

  7. S says:

    Yeah so don’t get a Blaze – I have a climbing blaze and it’s WAY pinker than deep red.

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