
Doggy Water Bowls

March 16, 2012

My nice quiet mornings where I awake before my family and sneak to the dark kitchen, prepare myself a nice cup of coffee (in the dark) and sit down to write are gone.  Now they are all about getting the puppy up and outside as fast as possible and I am really missing the silence.  I’m not complaining, just reporting, and wondering if those lovely moments will return once we pass puppy days.

water bowls for pets shaped like roman columns

But puppiness has caused me to open my eyes to whole sections of products that I have never even nodded to before.  Like these food and water bowls.  They really do seem perfect for a formal garden (that doesn’t take itself too seriously) and also great as part of a sweet little vignette in a garden less structured.   I’m imagining grouped with some planted pretty containers.  What do you think? Have I lost my mind or would you use them?

You can buy them from Unleashed Life at Fab for the next 6 days — not sure where to get them after that.


  1. Melissa S. says:

    Those quiet days will return, I’m sure. Back when my dog was a puppy, the morning chaos was spectacular, but these days, he’s usually the last one out of bed in the morning. He’ll wander out to the kitchen slowly, yawning and stretching, once we’ve started on breakfast:)

  2. Jenn says:

    Nice bowls.

  3. Pediatrician San Diego says:

    Those water bowls are precious! And so is the dog of course. How much do they cost though? Hopefully not an arm and leg?

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