
Crayon Garden Sculpture, Lubbock, Texas

April 3, 2012

crayon garden art sculpture

While I find this to be stunningly beautiful as a piece of art, I can’t help but wonder about the practicality of this particular landscape installation.  Using thousands of large crayons, artist Herb Williams created a field of sculpture flames for Unwanted Visitor: Portrait of Wildfire at the National Ranching Heritage Center in Lubbock, Texas.  My concern….will these not melt in the hot Texas sun?  Perhaps it is only temporary, it would certainly be a fantastic permanent display.

crayon garden art sculpture

images from lost at e minor

  1. Tiff says:

    I believe that that is part of the plan for the sculptures–the heat causing an ever-changing work of art. Very cool.

  2. Wow! The photos at the link of the artist and crew assembling the pieces are really interesting.

  3. door251 says:


    Love the blog, you def have a new follower.

    I was wondering if you knew what kind of plants are good for heavily shaded gardens? we have a tiny tiny city garden, but it is surrounded by big oak trees which i suspect are sucking the life out of everything, couple that with it not getting an ounce of sun and me being a complete novice, i’ve no idea what to plant in there, everything from last year died.

    thanks for your help!!

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