
Floating Gardens: Babylon & Hydroponics

April 12, 2012

Did you know that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are believed to have been one of the earliest hydroponic gardens?   I honestly can’t say I knew that, although when you look at artists renditions of what the gardens where thought to have been, you have to assume as much.   How else would so many plants and trees be viable all over an ancient building?


Modern construction has, in general, veered far from this type of green building.   I am hoping that with the continued trendiness of vertical walls, the increased understanding of the positive environmental benefits of plants in cities and urban areas, and with pot growers continuing to advance hydroponic gardening techniques,  that we will begin to see more modern hanging gardens.

Do you think it possible?  Garden designers creating this type of thing?

images from hanging gardens of babylon, johnny depp zone, hydroponics equipment

  1. Louise says:

    A friend is doing a project on the Amalfi coast- a16th c. convent set into the cliffs overlooking the Mediterranean and is being converted to tres chic hotel, spa/resort . The garden restoration is similar to these pics of hanging gardens of Babylon. Each terrace includes planting beds, using soil but with ingenious water capture from the little springs and condensation in the mountain. Even in this dry climate the hardy palette of drought tolerant plants thrive.
    I wonder if….

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