
Garden For Sale

April 11, 2012

succulent from far out flora

The idea of moving on from a garden is one of those things that I would rather chose to not think about.  Thankfully,  these thoughts aren’t something I have to deal with right now — and I am grateful, mostly because I am not ready to be done with my piece of land.  The thought of leaving a piece of land that you have poured your heart into is something that I have been forced to consider a lot lately — first was my friend Andrew’s podcast interview with my friend Lynn when she left her NH garden.  Then there was Anne’s story in the latest issue of Leaf ….and now I see that Mattie and Megan (of Far out Flora) are packing up and moving to Wisconsin — which means that their beautiful and interesting succulent garden is being dismantled <kinda sad! – but looking forward to seeing their new adventures>.

If you are in the San Francisco area this weekend, you should check out their sale — lots of crazy plants, containers and garden goodies….you will surely get plants with good Karma, even though this marks the end of a personal gardening era.   (check out their website for sale details)

I’m curious, have you had to leave a garden that you loved? How did you feel about it?

image from far out flora


  1. Kaveh says:

    It is definitely sad leaving a garden but also exciting if you are planning a new one after you move. The best advice I can give to gardeners who move is NEVER go back. Never do a drive by and see what happened to your old garden.

  2. Megan says:

    Thanks so much for the shout out about the sale! We knew this day would come eventually since we rent. While it’s sad, we’re really looking forward to new garden challenges and opportunities in Wisconsin. We’ve learned so much in our nearly five years here that I’m confident we’ll be able to continue to do some far out gardening in the midwest.

  3. Me says:

    One thing to keep in mind: if you sold/showed your house with the garden (with things in the ground) intact those plants are considered part of the house you can not uproot things because they are considered part of the sale.

    The new owner can sue (and win) for damages.

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