
Inspirations From A Wedding Blog

It’s wedding season and for the first time in a few years I get to think about weddings.   One my main squeeze friends (you know the kind you talk to daily and have done so for a minimum of 15 years)  is getting re-married this fall and we are having so much fun working on the scheme of this fall beach wedding.   So, outside of my normal haunts I have been perusing wedding blogs a bit more than normal and I’m a little surprised at what I have been missing.

My favorite at the moment is Green Wedding Shoes…..check out some of the inspiration that I have found there….

wedding bouquets

I am finding boundless inspiration for plant partners by looking at wedding bouquets.   Also — can someone tell me what that white flower is that comes out the side of the left hand bouquet (cone-tail shaped with little flowers that bloom up the stalk) ?  I inherited it in my garden, I like it ok (though now that I see it in this arrangement, I like it more) but it is a completely awful spreading garden thug!  Has anyone else had this experience?

garden bouquets

And then there is the ‘alter’ — where the couples make their vows.  Look how easy it is to create all sorts of garden scale ‘screens’ to give architectural interest to an area.

read more after the jump…

garden alter

garden wedding

garden opening

There are fun ideas for displaying food that can easily be altered to display other things in a garden (plants, containers, statuary, etc.).

stick tree

stumps for display

and finally…. isn’t this the prettiest way to make a plain hall a whole lot more exciting.  String gardens at their best.

string garden hall

 images from Green Wedding Shoes

  1. That “white flower is that comes out the side of the left hand bouquet” is probably the annual Ammi/Laceflower ‘Snowflake’ which has fine feathery foliage with loose flower heads that are very similar to Queen Anne’s Lace.

  2. Raymond says:

    Hey, just wanted to make you aware of my new site that was a long time in the coming, check it out i think it can be a good resource and solution to many people!

  3. I couldn’t really see the spiky flowers of the gooseneck loosestrife on first glance, so I thought you wanted to know the white flowers that resemble Queen Anne’s Lace.
    They definitely may be gooseneck loosestrife and can be a little aggressive in the garden. They do make a great cut flower.

  4. What a wonderful wedding – love all the details. The images are beautiful as well.

  5. elvis23484 says:

    It could also be Veronica! this can readily be purchased as a cut flower

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