
Weekend Things

June 15, 2012

Bare hill pond summer 2012

There is just one more half day left of the school year (who ends school on a Monday with a half day?  Harvard, MA, that’s who….there is no logic) but last night I got the first taste of summer sweetness.   It came while sitting in a friend’s garden (who happens to live on our town pond)  while our children played on a surf board in the water.  The delicious glass of wine, the joy of the moment and the beauty of the place makes me a little teary to think about.   I want so desperately to enjoy and appreciate every moment of these moments that I have right now.   My little people are still interested in doing stuff with me and I want to introduce them to everything I am passionate about.   So with only that as explanation, I want to tell you that I am not going to be here for the month of July.   Taking the time I have with them having fantastic adventures is too important.

I’m going to invite some guests (if you have an interesting idea for a guest post, email me) and I am going to schedule some things in advance so it isn’t all crickets here.   So we have a couple weeks together until august….I hope you enjoy your weekend and these weekend things.

My dear friend sent me a Summer Bucket list for my b-day (which was Monday BTW) — It will be a challenge (but fun) to achieve but I have added a few additional things….here are a few:

  1. Figure out how to make something cool with Macrame
  2. Get a tan tattoo (but not this dramatic)
  3. Read  5 new books — any recommendations?
  4. Finish at least 3 house projects (Deck, Barn Painting, and something else…)

Want a couple more links?

See you Monday!

  1. birdhouses says:

    What a nice article: Here are some other thoughts for that summer bucket list:
    Notice the trees and the flowers as they grow and change
    Go skinny dipping
    Cook from ingredients obtained at a farmers market
    Visit the local public gardens
    ..and of course have an outdoor picnic!

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