
Beautiful Glazed Bricks

August 8, 2012


When I saw these beautiful facing bricks from Fire Clay Tile, my mind started churning….how many ways can I think of to use them? Perhaps I could cover an ugly concrete foundation? Or maybe I could make a container planter and face it with them? Or maybe I can somehow work them into the edging of a ground level deck? (hmmm)

It is surprising how normally I am fairly ambivalent about bricks…they are just part of the palette….but add some cool colors and suddenly I am all inspired to find new ways to work them into a design.  How about you, how would you use colored bricks?




  1. Heidi S. says:

    I was just ogling those the other day. I love the idea of cladding a site wall or planter in them, but I am leary of installing these near the ground in a cold climate. It says in their literature that they can make them for cold climates, but in my detailing of building over the years I’ve avoided installing brick at grade.

    I also think they would make an awesome kitchen backsplash.

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