
Garden Destinations: Oedo Island Garden, South Korea

September 10, 2012

oedo Island garden korea

Even though my summer seemed over full with adventures, my wanderlust-ing itch is rarely scratched for long.  So it goes with Oedo (pronounced way-do) Island off the coast of South Korea.   Doesn’t this garden look like an amazing place?  I am even more intrigued by the fact that there isn’t all that much information online (in English) about this place.

oedo island garden korea

Have you been there?  This is what I know about it:

1) it is an island (I have a magnetic attraction to islands)

2) it was created by a fisherman and his wife (over 30 years in the making, it was previously a barren rocky place)

3) it is the home of over 3000 species of plants

4) you have to take a boat to get to it  (love that!)

5) it is supposedly the first island to be owned by private individuals in South Korea and it is has been open to the public since 1995.

6) it is something like Versailles but with a Korean twist and placed in the East China Sea.  – I simply could not ask for anything more.

oedo botanic garden korea

I found a little bit of information about travelling there here. And I was introduced to this place when I happened across Steve’s amazing collection of images here.  If you want to see more (and trust me, you do) — jump over there.

images by steve

  1. Vish says:

    Really thanks for sharing a detailed information. Actually I have done a lot of search to find the details regarding this garden and finally I found your blog. It is really and amazing destination.

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