
Winter Mandala Wreath Making Workshop

November 27, 2012

studio g mandala wreath making classThe Thanksgiving event was all I could have hoped for (and more) and I am so grateful that so many of you could come (we sold out both sessions!).  Next time we will have to chat more…that was my only regret from the day; I felt I spent much of the time in awe of it all…and not really connecting with those of you who were there.

Thanksgiving floral arranging class in the studio 'g' barn

Would you like to see the pictures?   I have a few here (they are my amateurish cell phone versions)….but there are many more on Kelly Fitzsimmons site — she was our pro photographer at the event she did an amazing job capturing the excitement and creativity!  (go here and then navigate to client galleries and then use the word ‘candlewreath’ as the password — then you can peruse all 240+ beautiful images)  I will get a smaller curated gallery up on the new Events page (did you notice that up there in the top bar? — more to come there – soon).

thanksgiving arrangement

So we are doing it again!

This time we will be making wreaths…but not just any old wreaths.

We will be inspired by ancient mandala art to create our own art pieces that can be refreshed annually as you move into the holiday  and winter seasons.  (more on mandalas coming over the next few days).  Using as many local and found materials we will again bring our landscapes indoors and use the seasons offerings to inspire us!  (and we will eat yummy food, drink warm drinks and generally toast the season in good garden barn party fashion!)

thanksgiving centerpiece studio g workshop

You can reserve your spot on Eventbrite.   This class is a bit more involved (and the price and length of time reflect that) and for this reason we aren’t able to do 2 sessions in one day.  We are however holding open Dec 13th (from 1-3) for a second session should their be enough interest.  After the first session fills out we will have a wait list — if we have more than 15 on the wait list, we will open the second session (so make sure you put your name down on the list if you are interested!).  We can’t wait to see you again!

-Rochelle and Roanne

More scenes from The Thanksgiving sessions…


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