
Foraging with Tama Matsuoka Wong

March 6, 2013

greens mix foraged
I am so grateful for this handy visual guide to greens that can be foraged in the early spring (or at least as soon as the snow melts!).  The collection is part of a foraging story in the current issue of Martha Stewart Living.  Tama Matsuoka Wong (co-author of the lovely book Foraged Flavor: Finding Fabulous Ingredients in Your Backyard or Farmer’s Market) is featured in the issue for her guidance on foraging for simple foods that are widely available. It is a sweet story that highlights Tama’s journey from international lawyer in Hong Kong to teaching kids how to forage for food in rural Connecticut. And it includes some lovely recipes – including how to make mugwort soup.

It is a recipe that I am eager to try — and I am fairly sure that it’s green qualities will be overlooked when I tell my kids it something that Harry Potter eats from his garden. If you are interested in making it yourself, get your hands on a copy of the magazine. (It is the pretty one with the cherry blossoms, fritillaria and tulip on the front) – Rochelle
mugwort soup from foraged ingredients

 images from Martha Stewart.

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