
Cool Globes On Boston Common

I have a couple invitations for you today –The first is for Boston locals and the other is for garden bloggers. I’m going to be at both events (the details of the garden bloggers event to come in a second post) so shall we hang out?

cool globes invite by shepard fairey via

On August 15th the Boston Common will host the opening of Cool Globes ‘Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet’ which is a traveling public art exhibit designed to raise awareness about global warming.  It is a family event that will feature the art of over 30 international and local artists as well as kids events and music – all to share ideas about how each of us can make changes to reduce global warming.

Shepard Fairey designed the promo materials (I sooo love his work!) and one of my favorite local bands – Bellas Bartok will be playing over the lunch hour (yes, the same raucous stars who played my barn for my birthday party!) (official festivities start at 11:00 near the Brewer fountain).   There will be lots of to see and do…so if you work in city, make sure you take an extra long lunch …or if you are off for the summer…take advantage of lazy days and go enjoy the sun and art on the common on August 15th….see you there.



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