
Working Through A Creative Block

March 18, 2014

"In an English country garden" by darkcompany via www.pithandvigor.comComing off last week’s intense book editing jag, I am finding it really hard to get back into my rhythm – plus I always feel profoundly exhausted after throwing myself wholeheartedly into something….the end of an intense period of work never feels as good as it seems it should and always comes with a little bit of a let down feeling – bottom line is that I need a good kick in the pants and some inspiration!

What do you do when you need a creative jolt?

I’ve got various strategies – I checked out a few interesting books from the library.  The Ecology of Eden by Evan Eisenberg (have you read it?)  promises to be an interesting discussion of humankind’s role in nature.  I also grabbed Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science and Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess) (because you have to counter the heavy with the light).  And there is nothing like a little variety to get your creative juices flowing right?

❘❘❘ always attracted to threes. by sarah siroky via www.pithandvigor.comBetween pondering if humans were ever in harmony with nature and being totally shocked that I was not the only kid who briefly had a pet raccoon (yes this is true not just of Jenny Lawson, but me too) I’m hopeful to find my mojo.

I’m also stalking people on instagram.  These images by DarkCompany (top), sarahsiroky (middle) and mckenzie_powell (below) are so appealing but I think my slightly dark mood is showing up in my preferences.

giant tulip magnolias by mckenzie powell via

If that doesn’t work, Zippy and I will extend the frequency and duration of our walks. Maybe some (still bitingly cold) fresh air with help me stir things up?

Do you ever hit a creative walls? How do you peel yourself away from them and start running in a new direction? 


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