
Chalkboard Garden Walls?

February 3, 2015

If you lived in England in the early 2000’s you might remember when painting walls ‘Ground Force’ blue was a thing. When I came across these images by Janne Peters, I immediately thought, why can’t charcoal chalkboard be a 2015 version of the same?  And then if your garden vignette is missing something, you don’t have to go buy something at the store, you can just draw it in.
(Mehrere Werte) (Mehrere Werte)

(Mehrere Werte) (Mehrere Werte)


images by Janne Peters


  1. I’m a huge fan of chalkboards, so incorporating them into gardens is such a cute idea to me. I think this would be a great idea for people with children! They could label which plants are which, as well as, allow the kids to decorate the wall and personalize it themselves!

  2. Claire says:

    This idea is so versatile, the chalkboard could be a painted wall, a framed board, hanging, hidden or otherwise. Shape and colour is also open to interpretation. if being used for children, one board per child?

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