
New PITH + VIGOR Newsletter

April 3, 2015

Spring will come -

I launched a new format for the PITH + VIGOR newsletter this morning.  I’m feeling much better about what it is (I’ve never liked it before – but struggled to get my head around what it should be). I want it to be a special and inspirational note for those of you who have signed up; something that you can look forward to each week – and (hopefully) a nice way to shift to a weekend mindset.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about the format, content, whatever – anything that will help me make it better.

Here is the contents of this newsletter.  This is the last time, I will post this as a post – in the future this will only go to newsletter subscribers.  (You can subscribe here)

Dear Friends,

I’m experimenting with the purpose and layout of these emails.  I thought I would share links that have inspired me each week. I hope they inspire you too.  Let me know what you think?

  1. Alain De Botton’s facebook page has grabbed my attention and it isn’t letting go.
  2. Good parenting advice
  3. I think I might want to live in Pau, France (someday). Did you know that it is the greenest (as in, has the most public park acreage) city in Europe?
  4. I like the idea of a Logbook – kinda like a gratitude journal but more of my mindset.
  5. On creativity and walking. And on seeking answers and walking.  I’ve been walking a lot.
  6. I’m learning about the teeming life within my dirt with these playing cards.
  7. We tattooed eggs this week.  But I think I like these foliage eggs better.
  8. Did you see this video about how the wolves in Yellowstone changed the rivers?
  9. I got alot out of this article on Career Tips from Creative Women Entrepreneurs.  I hope you do too.


 image by rochelle greayer (on instagram)

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