
Inspired By Luisa Brimble

November 21, 2015

Luisa Brimble Flower shots via www.pithandvigor.comI am nearly midway through a photography and styling class with Holly Becker of Decor8.  As we learn to create our own style, the first homework involved identifying a handful of other stylists and photographers whose approach and imagery are appealing and then begin to break it down for our own uses.  At first I wasn’t sure who to pick….I’ve never spent any time focussing on stylists and very little on photographers.  But as I cast around, I found lots of really talented people whose work will inform my own future projects… you can see some of my gatherings here if you like…. but one person really stood above all others in my eye and that is Luisa Brimble.

Luisa Brimble Flower shots via

Luisa is based in Sydney Australia (read more about her here) and if you are in need of a visual feast, take a look at her site and blog.  There are beautiful food stories, flowers and all sorts of general lifestyle shots that are really seductive.  I dream to one day be this good.

I as I learn to identify her style there is one pose that Luisa uses again and again that I specifically wanted to share with you.  I share it because every time I see it, I want nothing more than to be the muse in the shot….the demure woman who gets to hold the giant armful of flowers beautifully posing but not having to worry about her espression or smile.   It strikes me that this sort of pose (the ‘look away’ as I’ve come to call it) is such a great way to photograph those that are perhaps a little shy.  I think I will try it as I learn and evolve my own style.

Luisa Brimble Flower shots via

Nicole Valentine Don of A Transcontinental Affair is the model for this shot and couple other images below.    Her website is also worth a visit if you are looking for a way to while away a little time.
Luisa Brimble Flower shots via

It is late fall here, and I am casting about trying to think of what interesting flowers that I have in enough quantity to stage my own version of this image.  Brown grasses, gone off hydrangeas…maybe some evergreens?  Not much but it is worth a try,  I am thinking that I will recruit my daughter tomorrow when the light is good again.  Luisa Brimble Flower shots via Luisa Brimble Flower shots via

I also had a thought that this is a wonderful way for cut flower s growers to display their products on social media – it really implies a bountiful harvest an enviable romance — and honestly am I the only one who just wants to jump into those shots?  I think it would certainly encourage me to buy more flowers.

RochelleLuisa Brimble Flower shots via

all images by Luisa Brimble

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