Kenton Seth lives in his high desert hometown of Grand Junction, Colorado, where he enjoys all things gardening. As the former Head of Horticulture for Western Colorado Botanic Gardens he pursued his passion for rock gardening. Over time, frequent travel and a presentation career took bigger role so he started his own company, Paint Brush Gardens, in 2013.Paint Brush Gardens promotes dry unwatered and xeric landscaping. They have built over twenty rock and crevice gardens in the first few years.
Kenton has written for Horticulture Magazine and the Rock Garden Quarterly. He worships international seed legends Henrik Zetterlund, Vojtech Holubec and the late Jim Archibald. His own hunting grounds are the desert Southwest and inland Turkey. Since his hobby has got out of hand and became his livelihood, he’s been able to indulge many friendships with leading Colorado plant professionals. These people have in turn helped him on his road to a plant-saturated life. He hopes for nothing more than all people to have their lives improved with more plants.
Kenton wrote: “Let’s Discuss Matrix Planting Over A Glass of Wine“ in PITH + VIGOR’s issue No. 5.