Lisa Steele, is the creative mind behind the popular online chicken keeping resource Fresh Eggs Daily®. She has been around chickens most of her life. A fifth-generation chicken keeper, she returned to her rural roots after graduating from college and doing a short stint on Wall Street. She currently lives and keeps her flock in Maine. Now, back in the country living on a farm with her husband, she has been raising ducks and other fowl alongside her chickens for the past seven years. On her blog Fresh Eggs Daily, Lisa encourages others to raise their own flocks naturally without using antibiotics or chemicals, the way the old-timers did. Also an aspiring herbalist and avid gardener, she incorporates herbs, weeds and edible flowers into the daily care of her flock and shares this advice with her tens of thousands of readers.
Lisa is the author of many best-selling books. Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens…Naturally, Duck Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Ducks…Naturally (as well as many other best selling books about chickens and backyard bird keeping) are the originals but the list includes her most recent cookbook about (what else?) cooking with fresh eggs. A prolific freelance writer, her writing can also been found in Chickens, Backyard Poultry, Molly Green and Hobby Farm magazines as well as at HGTVGardens.com and BHG.com. She has appeared on numerous radio and television shows and travels the country speaking at various venues and fairs.

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Post and stories by Lisa:
Lisa shared why Ducks are a better choice for garden lovers than chickens in this story originally written for PITH + VIGOR.