
Diary #1

May 9, 2017

Turn on the lights. Diary #1
The last couple of years have been a struggle (career-wise).  I’ve felt like I can’t get clarity on things I need to be clear about. And when I have moments where I suddenly feel the surging energy of striking on something that is right, I can’t hold on to it long enough to really nail it down.

I suspect this is because I am a combination of burnt out, uninspired, isolated, and bored.  And also, lately, I am also totally distracted by current events.

So my strategy is to write and create my way out of my funk. I am not sure where this exercise will lead, but I am eager to try it.  I will write, daily – not more than 200 words to start (based on this advice to set my goal laughably low – an idea I find so utterly counter to my nature that I can’t help but be seduced by it). Plus I will include some other personally creative thing with it (why must set the bar higher?!?); a photo, or collage (that I desperately want to make), or a picture that I drew.  I am hoping that I will look back on that last sentence in a few months or years and see it as a first statement of a real artist and creative rather than how it sounds now… totally childish.

p.s. This is 225 words.

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