
Fall Container Planting Recipe: Autumnal Marsala

July 3, 2024

Autumn has arrived and even though the summer seems to be hanging on, it is time to think about making a few decorative changes around the house (both inside and out) to welcome the crisper air, the fall harvest, and most colorful season of all.

contianer planting recipe - Autumnal merlot from

Every year, Pantone announces, with much fanfare, the color of the year for the following year. The announcement is the precursor of a trend and it is a predictor of the mood that product colors and fashion will take for the following few seasons. The 2015 color is Marsala.  Pantone describes the hue:

Much like the fortified wine that gives Marsala its name, this tasteful hue embodies the satisfying richness of a fulfilling meal while its grounding red-brown roots emanate a sophisticated, natural earthiness.

Marsala seemed a wonderful inspiration for a container planting recipe that celebrates fall plants and gardens and I created this one to inspire your fall designs.

As the season progresses, the apples and the chrysanthemums can be removed and the remaining plants can come inside as houseplants through the winter.  I think I might add some small white birch logs to fill in the holes – stacked and perhaps strung together with some seasonally appropriate ribbon or maybe just some burlap twine.

Begonis Rex, loropetalum, and chrysanthemum container planting recipe - Autumnal merlot from

I like to look around for alternative ways to mulch a container garden.  Apples are a great option, and I happened to have them growing in the garden.  It is the perfect use for the few fruits with wormholes or damage that makes them less than appetizing.  Moss, is another favorite mulch or mine but many interesting items can be used to cover the soil to help retain moisture – don’t over think it and keep you mind open to options that you might find just laying around the house or garden.

Begonis Rex, loropetalum, and chrysanthemum container planting recipe - Autumnal merlot from

Many varieities of Begonia rex offer inspring painterly leaves that include rich marsala colors in a range of shades. Sometimes they are mixed with blacks and deep reds, or like this one, some take on silver and white tones but have centers that are deeply wine colored.

Begonia Rex, loropetalum, and chrysanthemum container planting recipe - Autumnal merlot from

Plants used in Autumnal Marsala:

images by rochelle greayer

More Container Gardening Design Ideas and Planting Recipes:

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