
The Bees Have Arrived

September 26, 2024

Bee hive installation bee keeper

My phone rang at 5:15 this morning. Incredulous and startled, I ignored it, even though I recognized the name of the apiarist who sells honey at my farmers market. I hadn’t spoken with him since last fall when we agreed that he would install two hives in my garden this year.

Then, at 6:00, there was a knock on my door (thankfully, I was now up but still in my PJs). I was greeted with a hearty “Get up! It’s the Honey Man!”

I am dealing with an utterly unapologetic farmer.

And by 6:25am we became beekeepers — but only in the sense of ‘we have bees on our property’ and not in the sense of  ‘I know how to take care of bees’. So for now, I think maybe I should just call myself a ‘hive hostess’.

It’s now 7:39am EST– how has your Monday morning been so far?

Originally dated: May 9th, 2011

  1. Amy says:

    I love it! We just got our bees this weekend too, but in a ‘we’d better know how to take care of them’ kind of way. Good luck and post updates for us to see!

  2. laguna dirt says:

    that’s hilarious! can’t wait to follow your bee-keeping adventures!! bee-careful! bee-happy!

  3. louise says:

    i wish someone (preferably handsome and friendly) would start my day with ” get up its the HoneyMan” !

  4. erin says:

    That’s early, even for an early bird!

    I highly recommend Keeping Bees by Ashley English. I am hoping to start next spring, and I’ve found her book to be a fun read thus far.

    Can’t wait to watch your new venture unfold!

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