
Inspiration : Casa & Campo

April 18, 2011

Knowing just what I like,  a friend (Andrew) recently shared a link to the Casa & Campo magazine website.  This Spanish language magazine is distributed widely in South America and is a beautiful inspiration.  (oh, I need to be able to buy these magazine locally!!)

turquoise and white balcony garden

Once again, I can understand little of the words (without the help of google translate), but the pictures speak louder anyway.   Want a little south american style?  These are some of my favorite inspriations….

The turquoise and white balcony, planted, each level, with different plants (airplane plants on one, climbing roses on another, palms below) is stunning don’t you think?

And the tile (below) is such a great modern twist on the classic Spanish tile.  I am imagining it on the risers of a staircase in a fairly clean modern garden.  How would you use it?

casa and campo design inspiration

Click though for more inspiration.

  1. I agree. The different kinds of plants on each level were good choices. I particularly love the climbing roses. Thanks for sharing.

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