
What’s A Girl Gotta Do to Get a Flocked Tree in New England?

December 7, 2009

Apparently you must make it yourself. Flocked trees are not popular here, and I simply don’t know why.  I’ve got my 2009 tree, it’s up and decorated, but if you know where I can buy a real tree that is magnificently flocked in a range of colors next year….I would love to know about it. I am willing to drive about an hour from East Central Mass.

flocked tree winter white

image by ktsturgeon

In the mean time, if you have appreciation (like me) for flocking — here is how to do it yourself and all the goods to pull it off.  If I lived in So Cal. (yes, I am still on that bender) I would easily be able to find one — they were every where — whetting my appetitie for returning home to and getting a pretty colored tree for our living room.  Only to find New England’s plain old traditional trees. Don’t get me wrong a a beautiful natural tree for your living room is a ‘can’t go wrong’ sort of deal, but…. don’t you think these are more exciting????

flocked snow covered christmas trees inspiration flocking

Images from top down 1. from Quality Silks 2. from Capriccio Interiors Greg in Northern California, USA 4. from Canadian Home and Country 5. from style court 6.from photobucket 7. from Christmas Lights etc. 8. from Country Living

And lest you think about dismissing my snowy whites, pretty pinks and dramatic blues as tacky or un- natural might I remind you that pink and blue trees do occur naturally and they are equally as show stopping outside.

pink flocked tree inspiration christmas

1. Image by: cherrybuddy 2. by Jay P. Morgan 3. Christmas Lights etc. 4. BluePrint cover 5. from Watermelon Watermelon 6. from The Kitchen Logic 7. from wallpaper sphere 8. from Ideas To Action

blue flocked tree christmas tree inspiration

1. Christmas Lights etc. 2. from Craft Flocking 3. from precious style 4. by goreckidawn 5. Illustration by Finnish painter Rudolf Koivu 6. from style frizz 7. from Affordable Cruises 8. by = Steph = 9. by colleeninhawaii

I like to think of flocked and colored trees as an aspirational way to make my way towards spring in a stylish funky way….now I just need to get at least one New England Christmas tree seller to agree with me….

image from daily telegraph snow flocked christmas trees all colors

from the Daily Mail.

  1. Sprout says:

    I had a client who used to come to me for spray on snow to make her tree snowy. While not flocked per se, she had an interesting technique – first she’d get cotton batting (not poly fill, but the real cottony stuff) and lay it in blobs along the tops of the boughs. Then she’d stand on a ladder and spray the snow in a can stuff down from the top. She said it made the branches look laden with snow.

    I can imagine how cool that would look! And a pink or purple flocked tree would right up my alley – let me know if you find a source!

  2. eri says:

    how about a red and green one?

    the pohutukawa, new zealand’s christmas tree!

  3. Dear Rochelle-I LOVE this post of yours-what a blast. No one flocks trees here anymore-the flocking is ultra toxic. Maybe they still sell them in California as they can do the flocking outdoors. Thanks for this great post. Deborah

  4. Chuck says:

    At a former workplace here in Houston, we flocked trees in several colors…white, blue, pink, red, purple. The last trees flocked were black. We put the dregs from all the flock bags in the hopper and mixed them together. We also would do a couple of red, white and blue trees and they would be the first to sell.

    Now if only I could get a color wheel and an aluminum tree…

  5. Sheila H says:

    You just brought back some memories – My aunt used to have one of these white flocked trees. I always thought her xmas tree was so cool and magical! But I also remember that it was a messy tree.

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