
Eddie’s Doghouse – A Story About Frank Lloyd Wright & a 12 Year Old Boy with a Dog

March 12, 2012

You are going to have to indulge me this week as I fully expect that the arrival of a puppy will have a huge impact on everything I do (including my writing here).  I’m not sure if puppy will be picked up today, tomorrow, or the next day, but I can assure you that I will have lots to share about his arrival.


Regardless of a puppy arrival, I think that I would be charmed by the story of Eddie’s House.  Eddie’s House is the smallest structure known to have been designed by Architect Frank Lloyd Wright.   I read at Architzer that Wright was “generally considered to have been an arrogant, irascible curmudgeon, whose voracious egotism was and remains legendary.”  – Not the kind of guy who you would expect to design a dog house for a 12 year old kid.   But after Robert Berger, who was 12 in 1956, sent a letter, Wright initially turned down the request for plans for a doghouse to match his own house (which was also a Wright design).  But the architect told him to write him again in November of the same year to re-request, and so Robert Berger did.  And on the second request, plans were sent – without charge – even though Robert had offered to pay for the doghouse plans with money from his paper route.



The original doghouse no longer exists, but in 2010 adult Robert Berger rebuilt the doghouse for a documentary called Romanza that was produced and directed by Michael Miner.  Romanza features the doghouse and other structures Wright designed in California.

The documentary will be screened at the Illinois State Museum in Springfield, Ill., on March 25 2012, according to website, Screenings are scheduled to follow in Iowa, Georgia, Florida, New Jersey and New Hampshire.

Isaac wants to build a doghouse for our new arrival — he has ideas for a 3-room abode that includes a kitchen….I’m wondering if there is a notable architect out there who would do the same for him?

images from wikipedia and independent mail 

  1. What a fun post! That is great that the rebuilt it being a (very) little piece of history and all.

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