
Meet Katrina Kieffer Wells – A Garden Story

January 5, 2012

So this is the big news.  I am officially taking on a whole variety of writers to help create fantastic content here.  I feel so lucky to be able to round up such a great group and I am pleased to introduce you to the first.  Katrina Kieffer Wells (read more about her on the updated writers page) is the woman behind Earth Designs, a London based garden design firm (become a fan of them on Facebook here).  Katrina works with her husband to create all kinds of imaginative landscapes for her clients and she is going to be here every week to share the story of one project at a time.   It is like the ultimate before and after….in that we all get to follow along through the whole process.   Have you ever wondered what it is like to work with a designer and have your garden built?….Well, here is your chance to be a fly on the wall and see the ups and downs, as it goes, week by week.

Kat and Matt of Earth Designs London

This is Kat and (husband) Matt….Designer and Builder….purrfect.

I pondered long and hard about what to call this feature and then one day it hit me.  When I was pregnant with my daughter (my first) I was obsessed with this British TV show called A Baby Story.  The show (which follows all the gory details of one couple’s baby story) actually creeps me out a bit these days, but back then I loved following along with the soon to be moms and dads as they became parents.  When I think of this feature it sort of strikes me the same way….except we will be replacing extreme birthing room shots with the hard labor and the dirty mud that comes with giving life to a new garden.  So without further adieu, I introduce to you ….A Garden Story.

Every garden design project starts with a brief….it is the basic gist of the clients wants and needs and what we have to work with… is the brief for the first project that we will be following along with….

The Breif

“The client has recently extended the property and is now developing the garden.  The main requirements for the garden are a place for relaxation and entertainment as well as a play area for the two children incorporating a climbing frame. A line of conifers at the back of the garden which whilst dominates the space do offer screening from the road beyond.”
and here is what we are starting with…..

before and after garden story

Did you flip through the whole gallery?  Good….we will be back next week (same Thursday afternoon time) with the next installment of A Garden Story where we will see Kat’s Mood Boards and proposed design solutions.

Tell me, what else would you like to see or learn from this feature?   Are you as excited as I am to see what is next?  😉

  1. ksb says:

    This wil be a great column – looking forward to it. As to what else I’d like to see, maybe I’ll find this out as we go but when I try to design my garden on paper I struggle not with the “functional areas” but with how to join them together so that there’s a flow and not a blobby separation. I’d love to know thoughts on blending/integrating different areas of a garden plan – patio, firepit, veg garden, lawn, dry stream – what goes between the areas to bend them into one cohesive look? – how do you decide?

  2. Delphine says:

    Very good idea, mu dear Rochelle ! your (oversea) readers are as excited as you about this serie of new

  3. Delphine says:

    …articles (sorry for the cut !)
    I know Earth Design’s work and i love their creations too. They imagine Great gardens with very gorgeous colors and a modern look.
    I wish you a very dynamic, energizing year, my dear Rochelle. Thank you for inspiring us !

  4. Kim S. says:

    This looks like a terrific series. Looking forward to watching the process. I would love to know from where some of the inspiration for their designs comes and when they have to compromise or change the designs for practicality’s sake. Is that all worked out before they begin?

  5. Kallie says:

    Thanks for sharing the wonderul photos! I look forward to more.

  6. Katrina says:

    I am glad all our friends across the water are enjoying our garden designs, do feel free to follow us on facebook or join in with our blog from time to time, we’d love to see you. @Kim, my inspirations come from everywhere, for each presentation, I do a moodboard which usually has nothing to do with gardens, I am in the process of writing a step by step guide to designing your own garden in the Earth Design style, so check on our blog for forthcoming publishing dates. @ ksb, we have a feature on our blog called the Garden design clinic, send me an email with a couple of photos of your garden and a rough idea of layout and I will pop some shapes on paper for you to show you how you can connect areas in your garden space.@ Delphine – bless you and thank you x

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