
Norwegian Landscape Hotel

November 13, 2008

Is it me, or on 99.9% of commercial and hospitality construction projects, the landscape is the last thing to be considered? I have no expectation that the landscape would be first (though sometimes it should be) but at least not the piece that the contractors are trying to scrape together a budget for before they leave the site……. So I find this Concept hotel refreshing.
It is all about the Landscape. Right from the beginning.

This is the design of Norwegian architectural firm Jensen & Skodvin Arkitektkontor (JSA). Each room is a detached building with one or two of the walls constructed in glass. The hilly Norwegian landscape in which these rooms are placed is considered spectacularly beautiful. No rooms look at each other and each is given it’s own dramatic piece of landscape with weather, time and seasons constantly changing the view. I really like how you can see that the landscape really becomes part of the interior decoration.
Gudbrandsjuvet, Norway, Landscape Hotel
Gudbrandsjuvet, Norway, Landscape Hotel

  1. linda says:

    Wow, what an awesome building and landscape. You have a very nice blog!

  2. lisa polo says:

    I really love this. It reminds me of Falling Water which is on my Top 5 “Places That I Love To Be” list.

  3. these pictures are absolutely amazing and inspiring. I want to live there… forever.

  4. Hilary says:

    Now that is a place I would love to be someday!

  5. I had to see more, maybe others do too —
    You can click on the “projects” and find the hotel. The links are amazing though mostly in Norwegian. The graphics are wonderful!

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