
“I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now”

December 11, 2008

This is a slogan that sums up my motherhood, business owner, holiday frazzled, over stressed, aging, yoga brain.

I have long dreamed that if I were more organized I would create a beautiful office where all the details of my clients properties and gardens were contained in beautifully bound, earthy, artisanal looking books.  Just by looking at them you’d get a sense of all the grit and careful observation that goes into creating great gardens.  Our reality is so different, but I am re-inspired by Field Notes books.

I think it might actually be practical to carry these to a site.  And if they get dirty, wet, smudged, crumpled and doodled, as they will, they will look even better.

Add a pack to your gardeners Christmas list, I am adding it to mine.

Field Notes

oh, and flipping through their blog, I saw this….

Bullet Pencils

This brings back memories I didn’t even know I had. Sitting in my grandpa’s truck on the Montana ranch while he fed the sheep, or in the shop of my other grandpa where he tinkered and whipped up welded solutions to all life’s little necessities. They both had bullet pencils.  I had totally forgotten about bullet pencils, and now I think I need to go find myself a few.

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