
Tree Trunk Bowls from Reclaimed Logs

December 30, 2008

I have so many trees down right now, that coming up with ideas to use some of the lost wood is on my mind. These bowls take my breath away and I am wondering if I can find someone locally to turn out the wood so that I can make bowls like these from the Loyal Loot Collective. I think it would be a fitting tribute to some of the majestic trees that we recently lost. One from each tree, and I would be able to create a stunning and artistic collection. Loyal Loot Collective makes each bowl from locally (they are in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) reclaimed trees that were fallen or cut down due to infrastructure, re-landscaping, droughts, or stormy weather.

Loyal Loot Collection Tree Trunk Bowls

Tree Trunk Bowls from Reclaimed Logs Loyal Loot Collection

  1. Cherry says:

    these are beautiful! please share with us if you get to do it., Cherry

  2. Connie says:

    great idea! They would be lovely even if you just used the round and put candles on top of it.

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