
50 Natives: Washington D.C. : Iris cristata : Dwarf Crested Iris

January 12, 2009

I am celebrating my trip to Washington later this week with a Native of DC (and areas all around it).   The Dwarf Crested Iris is a diminutive 4-6″ native Iris that thrives in a lightly shaded garden.  Sunshine Farms has a great little write up about it being a great ground cover.

It is an excellent plant for early spring bloom in a rock garden, perennial border or woodland garden and when the flowers are gone, the foliage makes a nice ground cover for woodland areas.

iris cristata collage  via

1. Wild Iris, 2. native plant garden, 3. Iris cristata II, 4. dwarf crested iris, 5. Iris cristata, 6. Iridaceae : Iris cristata – Crested Iris, 7. Iris cristata ‘Powder Blue Giant’

  1. Nancy Jansons says:

    I would like to know the name of the “Native Plant Garden” in your picture. Also it would be nice to see an enlargment of the eco bluebird. I have found an abundance of native plants on my property and would like to identify them. Thank you very much.

  2. rochelle says:

    Nancy — I am not sure which native plant garden you at talking about…these pictures are a collection from flickr (a photo website where photographers from all over the world can upload and share pics) so unfortunately this is not all one place (wouldn’t it be fabulous if it was though!!). If you want to see more the Iris cristata ‘eco bluebird, you can click on the link below the picture and it will take you to the original picture on flicker – which is larger (#3) – you can then contact the photographer through that website about even bigger pictures and perhaps where the photo was taken. good luck.

  3. Brad says:

    Pictures 1 and 8 are not I cristata but Iris tectorum, a related species from China. It grows quite a bit taller and has larger flowers than cristata. Picture 4 is also another species. Maybe our native versicolor. It lacks the raised crests on the falls. Iris cristata always has this crest. All the other pictures are cristata. Nice pictures.

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