
Bokor Train Station, Cambodia – Before and After…

I am constantly learning new things I can do with this blog…and I just learned that I could upload animated .gif’s and have them work. (duh)   I have had a little file that my good friend and graphic design helper (Leslie Bunnell at Bunnell Design)  did for me with a Greayer Design Associates project rendering.   I have wanted to put it on our design website for a while but haven’t had the time to figure out where to put it….

So now that I know that I can put it here, I am sharing….

Bokor Train Station Before and After

We did this for a brochure…the caption below the ‘before’ is “Dull. Dismal. Dated”   and then the newly imagined side is “Glamorous. Green. Gracious”.  Yes, this is what Greayer Design Associates can do for your abandoned, run-down potential boutique hotel conversion property in the middle of no-where Cambodia…

I am so excited that this works here.  Now I need to learn from Leslie how to make these for more of our ‘before and after’ features…and as always, if you have a good before and after shot…of anything garden or landscape design related (from pots to patios, landscapes to lighting,  furniture to fences, beds and borders, pools and parties) – send them here and I will see if I can rig this up to share.

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