
Coney Island Garden Benches

January 12, 2009

I found this on Garden Design online this morning.

I love items that are pieces of something else.  To me they carry so much of the spirit of the  place they originated.   I once was told by a sales person in a very fashionable store in Notting Hill that the shelves for sale, which were these beautiful metal I-beam structures with wooden planks that cost more than you can imagine, were re purposed pieces of the Eiffel Tower.   The story was that the metal deteriorates and there is a constant cycling out of the pieces to keep the structure healthy and strong.   I could buy some of the removed I-beams that had been made into shelves.   I went back another day to ogle over them and the sales person that day knew nothing of their supposed heritage…making me suspicious enough that I stopped dreaming about buying them…but I still want some shelves from the Eiffel tower, because I would love nothing more than to have a piece of one of my favorite places in my home.

Which is why I think these benches are so great.  They are made from the Ipe pier at Coney Island.  So if this is a special place to you, maybe you should have one.

Coney Island Recycled Bench

They are available from Good Olde Things – a place that has many other beautiful things and is worth a peruse.

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