
*?! Domino Closed ??!!***

January 29, 2009

I am in shock…I thought it couldn’t happen….this, to me, was the magazine for the future of the design world.  A great combo of youth, high and low finds, celebrations of the the little guy, recognition of the quirky and funky….

 Say it isn’t so!!!!

This is not going to be a good day….

  1. I will miss the Ivette/germinatrix blog on their site, but not Domino magazine. I had a subscription to House & Garden, and when that went under, the balance of my subscription was filled by Domino. I found Domino to be too girly.

  2. rochelle says:

    Yes…I agree…it was girly…but that really suited me…I was super disappointed with the loss of house and garden and I too was having my subscription filled out with Domino (which I already had a sub for)….Am also about to start getting a subscription to Sunset…in replacement for my cottage living subscription…I really find this all so sad.
    What will they send instead of Domino? Is there anything left?

  3. The loss of Cottage Living hurts tremendously. They were here last summer and interviewed about six of my Garden Walk Buffalo Gardeners, as well as our local cooperatively-owned urban garden center, Urban Roots. They brought in an editor and a photographer and now the article(s) will never appear. Bummer.

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