
Garden History Museum Makeover

January 30, 2009

Over on Inhabitat, I read today that the Garden History Museum in London got a makeover.  It is such a remarkable change that I hardly recognized it.  I wanted to show you the stark difference between the before and after, but hunting through all my old shots — I know I had some from visits there when I was a student — I just can’t find them.

Museum of garden History london england

Museum of garden History london england

These are the pictures of the upgrade, which makes me really wonder… where is all the stuff?…my memory is that it was a bit like a curiosities shop of garden artifacts…but this new space is positively sparse.   Maybe they haven’t moved back in yet?

I did find this one picture that I took at the museum.  I was inspired by this planter; I thought it was so nice and though it was a prized antique, I think it would be easy to make something more modern and interesting with the same idea of tiles on the side of a planter box.   Now that I pulled this out of my archives, I am all inspired to go and make something like it….

Planter on Display at the Garden History Museum in London

This is a great place to go to while in London.  It really is beautiful and interesting.

  1. Alice Joyce says:

    The renovation is an amazing transformation.
    I recall an anecdote about the original museum, which I visited some time ago.
    While attending a function of the U.K. garden writers group, I found myself in a queue with the museum’s director at the time. After introductions, I told her I thought the museum was really charming, in my obviously forthright American way. Her response was to quite noticeably bristle. My description apparently taken an insult.

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