
Ivy Organic Lamp Shade

February 10, 2009

While at Yanko Design, I also saw this – perhaps another way to get us through the depths of winter.
IVY, The organic lamp shade by designers Izabela Cichecka and Marcela Kawka is an LED lamp planted into a flowerpot. The plant is then grown around the LED’s forming an organic lamp shade.
Here’s what the designers have to say about IVY:

“IVY is a home source of light made from LED’s. The Lamp consists of modules. Connecting them we decide the form and size of the lamp. The base of the lamp is a flowerpot, in which we are planting plants like ivy. The light is penetrating through the leaves of the plant, creating interesting lighting effects and the unique mood in the interior. The design is our attempt to combine nature with technology, two seemingly unfamiliar worlds.”

One of the comments at Yanko were concerned with plants getting light on the underside of the leaves…something I would not have thought about. Does anyone know if this would actually be a problem?

Ivy Lamp

Designers: Izabela Cichecka & Marcela Kawka

  1. Buck Teeth says:

    i use lamp shades with CFL ubls instead of incandescent lamps, they are much cooler and uses less electricity ;::

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