
Daily Garden 022: Nicholas Dexter at Hampton Court

March 11, 2009

Nicholas Dexter created this garden for the Hampton Court Palace Flower show.  I love that imaginative stacking of the square cut stones to create benches and land masses in the garden.   Also I think the combination of sleek square cut pavers with the natural shape of a river cutting through the patio is stunning. 
nicholas dexter modern garden stacked stone hampton court palace flower show

nicholas dexter garden design hampton court palace flower show modern garden

nicholas dexter garden design modern garden hampton court palace flower show

  1. blossom says:

    Is that a sinking wall in the second picture? I like the crack creek in the last picture. Neat!

    • rochelle says:

      Is that what you would call it ? a sinking wall? I haven’t heard the term…I am going to go google it. I like it because to me it looks sort of like ground heaving beautiful plate up in a very organized way.

  2. buedamau says:

    i like those sinking walls, they create different movements in a graden, marking their spot in an effective way. for me it would be difficult to keep them clean, i’m already imagining it fill up with succulents…

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