
Gypsy Stuff

April 21, 2009

A few days ago, I posted about the book ‘Shed Chic’ (BTW the giveaway for this book is still going…you have until tomorrow night).
The book has quite a lot of references to Gypsy Caravans….which I love, but didn’t know where I would find one.
So the reason I think I need to work this out is because, since saying that I liked the gypsy caravan idea but didn’t know where to get one, I have been circumstantially (i.e. it just keeps happening across my path) inundated with gypsy stuff….to the point of starting to think that someone is trying to tell me something.  So I am posting about it. I am putting it out there to see what happens next.
I am not sure where I came across this, but if you want to build yourself a caravan for your garden, here is a link to a website that has instructions to make one. And you can buy the book with scaled drawings and everything. But If you don’t want to make one, check out Ingham and Fallon. They deal in all things gypsy caravan related.

You simply must check out this site…Les Verdines….but if you are at work or some other quiet place…be warnedthe gypsy music belts out immediately….turn your volume down before clicking.  These images are from the site…I am so inspired.

gypsy style garden inspriation caravan

Over at So Sylvie – a blog presumably written by fellow a fellow Gemini…I found this post, weaving together thoughts on blue and gypsies (from a post made almost exactly 3 years ago)…and mentioning the idea of doing things the gypsy way…that is, using what your have (maybe this is the message I am to take away from all this?). This lovely picture came from that site.

caravan wendy house play house gyspy garden blue

And another odd happening…I don’t know if I have ever mentioned my obsession with Paul Smith Stripes. I love them…and here I found this paper from Urban Lily

gypsy caravan paper

– for like a dollar I can get my stripes fix (as opposed the real Paul Smith notebook that I paid $20 for, and all it is, is paper – but I confess, pretty stripey paper…)…and guess what, the pattern is called? Gypsy Caravan (is it getting weird?)

Oh and finally, discovered via Liberty Post, I came across this website…some great finds for your gypsy garden — like these cushions….and this lap desk, bowls and bike basket…

junk gypsy stuff lap desk bowls garden bike basket floor pillows

If I lived in Texas – which I never would because I am a proud Colorado girl… I would seek to be adopted by the Junk Gypsies…a mother daughter threesome who have created this excellent website and company. I would join in this Gypsy cowboy life and run rampant from flea market to flea market….but for now, I think I will have to satisfy my inner Merle with a set of “Momma Tried” T’s for my little people.

  1. Waxyhearts says:

    Great post – very inspiring with great links!!! 🙂

  2. Well the gypsy connection seems to really fit the meaning of the word. They meander in and visit and then move on. So seems appropriate. I love the imagery you picked above. Loved the books on their site too. I also love Junk gypsy site too. Love all the fun quotes.
    Enjoying the ride so far.

  3. I love that you are into the gypsy style at the moment! And Aussie design company that is always right on trend (or just before a trend breaks) is MOZI and they have just released a new design range called Silk Road that would be right up your alley –

  4. Sylvie says:

    Bonjour Rochelle, Gemini girl 🙂
    I’m just discovering your post — about a year later. Thanks for including me!

  5. M A Newcomer says:

    I’ve got the Springer Spaniel. Off to find the turq gypsy wagon. No, really!

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