
Brussels in Bloom Flower Carpet

Moments ago, one of my favorite clients just emailed me to see if we could create this.   I think she is joking — but I would love to give it a try!!

Brussels in Bloom flower carpet

Brussels in bloom flower carpet

brussels in bloom flower carpet
I think I would need to call in some folks from the Rose Parade or something but what a fun opportunity to daydream about!

  1. Waxyhearts says:

    Wow – that is amazing!

  2. I absolutely love this.

    I think this idea would be fabulous for the opening of new retail project like a new town center.

  3. Sprout says:

    Someone emailedmethese same photos about 2 months ago!

    I have no idea where they originated from, do you?

  4. Sprout says:

    Citysquare?! Do NOT tease me!

    • rochelle says:

      serious…wouldn’t it be cool for worcester…but alas it alwyas comes down to $$$
      but maybe if your business is in the area, we can meet up sometime…I will be there alot this summer…

  5. I have been to Brussels a couple times–drinking in this same square–the most beautiful in Europe–but have not been there to see this, My wife has, and took pictures a few years back. She reports it is stunning in person.

  6. Sprout says:

    You should definitely look me up if you’re ever in the Woo! I’m 2 miles from downtown.

  7. Bean Burr says:

    Are you sure about the dimensions? Judging by the people along side of the carpet, it appears to be maybe 100 meters long by 30 meters wide (the size of a football field). That would be 3,000 square meters, not 300.

    • rochelle says:

      I agree, the 300 meters note seems wrong –but I didn’t do the calculation — that note was embedded in the picture that I posted. I think htey must have dropped a ‘0’

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