
Daily Garden : The Potters Garden – Chicago, IL.

October 30, 2009

the pottery garden

Norbert White is a potter and, with his partner, he has created a garden haven at their Chicago home that showcases some of his lovely creations.  It is surprising to me that I love this garden so much.  My mother is a complete pottery nut….I have a hue collection of pottery pieces, none of which I have purchased for myself, and I have to admit to cringing at the arrival of another thing that doesn’t tend to be my style.  But this is so stylish and relaxed and I think I might be a pottery convert.

the potters garden chicago

The star piece (in my opinion) is the chandelier.  It is a three tiered pottery creation that is a beautiful focal point.

the pottery garden

Here is a closer look at this beautiful piece.

chandelier in the potters garden

chandelier in the potters garden

the pottery garden


Also a mosaic artist, Norbert created the wall fountain –  a small but pretty piece that fits perfectly with the rest of the setting.

wall fountain for chicapge terrace garden pottry mosaic

I am so inspired by gardeners and outdoor spaces that are an expression and extension of the creators and owners.  This potters garden is a brilliant example of making a space uniquely your own don’t you think?

  1. Helen says:

    This is just amazing pottery, love the hanging pieces! And of course, as a mosaic artist, I am in love with the fountain.

  2. Bairbre Matthews says:

    Love this combination of the artists craft and plant material, very inspiring

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