
Tool Tables for the Garden

November 23, 2009


I completely love this idea.  I want one (or 5).  They are not readily available as they were produced in original quantities, by Swedish designer Fredrik Paulsen, of 20.  But really this isn’t so complicated.  Having a whole bunch of them would make for a wonderful cocktail party in the garden.

svensk standard fredrik paulsen tool table

or perhaps you might prefer this application…for an inpromptu gathering in the middle of a roundabout.   It’s Thanksgiving week….and it just struck me how powerful a table is….we just naturally all want to gather around it.


Fredrik Paulsen can be reached through his website.

p.s. — I am still working on my google earth letters….thanks for those of you have sent me something…keep ’em coming…I can’t spell anything yet!

  1. how it grows says:

    A very clever idea!

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